Friday, May 1, 2009

Raw Butterscotch Pudding

This is raw butterscotch pudding. Not gorgeous, but certainly better than that artificial color you get from the unnatural pudding mixes.  My roommate and I used to make sugar-free non-fat butterscotch Jell-O pudding on really hot days in summer, slather it with whipped cream and just take two spoons to the big bowl.  With summer approaching, I was excited to try to re-create that while maintaining my own healthy guidelines by trying this recipe I found in Rawsome.  

I'll admit that what I ended up with was more like a banana apricot mash than butterscotch pudding, but I could sense a vague resemblance.  I did some doctoring and I think I ended up with a pretty good product.  Unfortunately, I am not a big fan of mushy, so this is not my all time favorite recipe.  But it is sweet and a little salty and has notes of that very distinct butterscotch flavor.  I definitely recommend trying this one for yourself and letting me know what you think!  Here is my recipe for raw butterscotch pudding:

Raw Butterscotch Pudding

2 bananas, peeled
10 dates, pitted
1 cup dried apricots (Rawsome says to soak them, but I was too lazy)
1/2 cup raw almond butter
1/2 cup almond milk
2 teaspoons raw agave nectar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract (not actually raw, optional)
1/2-1 teaspoon cinnamon powder

Throw everything together in a food processor and blend until smooth.  Its best if you chill it for a while before serving.  Enjoy!

Music Fix: I've Got to See You Again-Norah Jones 
(One of my all time favorites, such a sexy song!)


  1. Thanks for sharing a low-fat recipe without all the fancy ingredients like lucuma and maca. Wish I had apricots on me - really craving this right now! As a Raw Vegan & Wellness coach, this recipe gets the seal of approval from me. :) RAWK on lady!

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