Monday, May 4, 2009

Peach Raspberry Smoothie with Green Tea and my All Raw Challenge, Day One!

(If you don't care about my self-analysis scroll down for the Peach Raspberry Smoothie recipe, I won't be offended.)  : )

I have been struggling with dieting and obsessing about food for about three years now.  I used to be a skinny little thing without thinking twice about what I ate, then I developed hypothyroidism from an auto-immune thyroid disorder, gained about thirty pounds and started spiraling into a food obsession frenzy.  I have now lost 15 pounds and am thankful for my weight gain as it brought me to learn so much about being healthy.  I learn more and more about nutrition, natural foods, raw foods, and healing the body naturally everyday and I can't wait to learn more.   Unfortunately, as most people who diet do, I have  gotten into the habit of worrying about everything I eat, feeling guilty if I stray from my healthy habits and worrying about weight gain if I eat a bite of cake.  In an effort to get over that and back to the carefree attitude in high school I recently gave myself the freedom to eat whatever I want and not think about it.  For the most part, I still ate raw, because I have become so accustomed to it that its really all I crave.  
This is what I discovered in this past couple weeks: 

I never suddenly crave unhealthy, cooked food, I only really eat it when its sitting in front of my face.  

I have been eating unhealthy food not because I really wanted it but because I was allowing myself to so I might as well do it.  

My body feels amazing on raw food and I can perceive such a difference in how I feel based on what I eat.

My body does absolutely feel more energetic, lighter, and healthier when I eat raw.

I want to follow rules.  When your rules are self-imposed its okay to follow them.  Make your own rules punks, but stick to 'em.

I work at a coffee shop and we get all the leftover pastries to take home at the end of the night and I have felt like if it was being given away I had to take it, right?  Last night, as I was driving home, stuffing a vegan muffin in my mouth for an already full stomach, I  decided that I had given myself enough time to do what I want and the experiment was over.  

As of today I know that I can eat whatever I want and not obsess about it and that what I want to eat is the stuff that makes me feel really good.  SO I am going full throttle.  I have transitioned enough at this point to jump in, I am putting myself up to a 7 day all raw challenge.  No cooked food for me this week!  I may allow some cooked veggies, sweet potatoes, or brown rice, we'll see how I feel about that when the opportunity arises.  But for now, all raw!  I'll let you know how its going for me everyday.  

Today is day one for my 100% raw-ness and my body feels okay, not great because I laid on some carb heavy cooked food for a good deal of the day yesterday.  I didn't start putting any new food in my body until about 3 hours after waking up today though, so hopefully that was enough time for my digestive system to catch up a bit.  

I made myself a new smoothie for breakfast that I think is pretty darn tasty.  I used green tea in my smoothie recipe because I wanted to try something different and 'cause the antioxidants can't hurt!  If you do not want to use green tea, technically not raw if you brew it hot, you can just use water no problem!  

Peach Raspberry Smoothie with Green Tea (2-3 servings)
1 cup of ice
1 cup of brewed green tea
16 ounces peaches (I had to use frozen since they aren't in season)
4 ounces raspberries
1 tablespoon agave nectar (optional, for added sweetness)

Add all the ingredients together in a blender and blend until smooth.  Pour into a glass and enjoy!

Music Fix: Sometimes-Wax Tailor

Eat Happy.


  1. when i go at supermarket i make sure to by peach because i know all the benefits this fruit contain like strengthens the inmune system, control the nervous system, avoid anaemia and is very good for the cholesterol. That is why i prefer to eat peach frequently.

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